Bonaire Kitten Rescue

Name: Buddha   [ I’m not ready for adoption yet. ]
Kitten ID: 8A
         At Admission                       Current

Litter #:8   Arrived on: 2018-05-07
Came from: Delfins Resort via FKK
Sex: M  Health: Healthy.
Number in Litter: 1

I love my bottle. They call me Buddha belly cuz my tummy swells after eating. I have a beautiful round face and am very quiet.

My Social Media (Latest to Oldest)

Riley and Budda as very young kittens wrestling in their cage.

2018-05-31 19:28:10  Tagged:Buddha Riley 
Budda and Riley chililng with the big hand, probably watching TV.   

(Turn the channel to the CAT-TV please)

2018-05-21 09:40:52  Tagged:Buddha 
I love my bottle.
They call me Buddha belly cuz my tummy swells after eating.
I have a beautiful round face and am very quiet.

2018-05-09 14:27:30  Tagged:Buddha 
First photo of my first photo shoot... many more to come I am sure.

2018-05-09 14:27:29  Tagged:Buddha 
I am so photogenic...

2018-05-09 14:27:28  Tagged:Buddha 
When I grow up, I wanna be a Tigger!

2018-05-07 16:58:42  Tagged:Buddha 
Snug as a bug in a rug.
(Rugs are $2.00 at SuperStore Bonaire in the Car section.  We can always use more.)

2018-05-07 16:50:37  Tagged:Buddha 
My Mummy is a hedgehog.


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