2018-06-26 19:40:00 Tagged:Mickey Mickey now carries his blanket around like Linus on Charlie Brown. See some of the videos where he is taking the blanket away from the babies.
2018-06-22 18:08:42 Tagged:MickeyKooriToebe Koori (Black), Mickey (Middle), and Toebe (Right) watching to see what is going on. "Hey, Human - Why do you keep pointing that flashing thing at us?"
2018-06-04 21:35:51 Tagged:Mickey Mickey says "Move and die!"
2018-05-21 09:40:42 Tagged:Mickey They call me Mickey cuz I have the biggest ears and eyes of all my brothers and sisters. Once you look into my eyes, you will fall in love with me.
2018-04-18 10:28:32 Tagged:Mickey I dinnent kill it... it was dead already... (That is a stuffed mommy cat with a beating heart and a heat pack to give the kittens a safe place to snuggle.)
2018-04-05 15:34:04 Tagged:Mickey Just had a bath and snuggled in the towel.