Do cats prefer Apple or Android? Patches says "Doesn't matter, both have bugs!!!"
2018-06-01 15:24:19 Tagged:FloraMimiBinkyPatch We were setting up the carrier to take 2 of the kittens to the vet for chips and vaccinations, and next thing we know, these guys wanted to go for the ride too.
2018-05-21 09:40:39 Tagged:Patch My name is Patches. I have unique colouring – a little brown patch above my eye. I am very friendly and I love people and I like to play. Please take me home.
2018-04-18 10:28:07 Tagged:Patch Even if I wasn't so cute, I'd still be cute.
2018-04-14 08:39:30 Tagged:Patch Heaven.. I'm in heaven...