Bonaire Kitten Rescue

Name: Binky
Kitten ID: 3D
         At Admission                       Current

Litter #:3   Arrived on: 2018-03-18
Came from: Private Person via FKK
Sex: F  Health: Healthy
Number in Litter: 5

They call me Pinky ‘cuz I have pink undertones, a pink nose, pink ears, and pink skin. I’m a very friendly girl and well behaved.

My Social Media (Latest to Oldest)

2018-06-01 15:24:19  Tagged:Flora Mimi Binky Patch 
We were setting up the carrier to take 2 of the kittens to the vet for chips and vaccinations, 
and next thing we know, these guys wanted to go for the ride too.

2018-05-21 09:40:41  Tagged:Binky 
They call me Pinky ‘cuz I have pink undertones, a pink nose, pink ears, and pink skin.
I’m a very friendly girl and well behaved.

2018-04-22 17:29:45  Tagged:Opa Spot Binky 
All boxed up and nowhere to go.
Will someone take us home?

2018-04-18 10:28:04  Tagged:Binky 
I see you... seeing me...

2018-03-24 16:26:36  Tagged:Binky 
Why do I feel so mousey?

2018-03-24 16:26:32  Tagged:Binky 
Here I am... where is everybody?

5 Kittens in a Tub - Rub a dub dub.


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